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Vaccine-related adverse events in cuban children, 1999-2008
Galindo,Belkys M.; Concepción,Damarys; Galindo,Miguel A.; Pérez,Antonio; Saiz,Jesús;
MEDICC Review , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S1555-79602012000100007
Abstract: introduction cuba has implemented an effective national immunization program since 1962. the schedule, administered primarily to children, comprises 11 vaccines (8 domestically produced) protecting against 13 diseases. in 1999 cuba launched a national vaccine adverse event surveillance system to monitor and assess the safety of the immunization program, its vaccination procedures and the products administered. objectives describe adverse events following vaccination reported in children aged <16 years in cuba from 1999 through 2008. methods a retrospective descriptive study was conducted of adverse events following vaccination reported from january 1999 through december 2008. variables used: year, number of adverse events, province, type of vaccine, type and severity of adverse events (common minor, rare, severe), vaccination program errors, number of deaths, and final results of investigations of severe events. percentages and rates per dose administered were calculated. adverse event rates were calculated per 100,000 doses administered and by percentages of individual effects among events reported. results a total of 45,237,532 vaccine doses were administered, and 26,159 vaccine-associated adverse events were reported (overall rate: 57.8 per 100,000 doses). the group aged 0-5 years reported the highest rate of vaccine-associated adverse events (82/100,000 doses). the dtwp vaccine exhibited the highest rate of adverse events. common minor events were: fever (17,538), reactions at injection site (4470) and systemic side effects (2422). rare events (by who definition) reported were: persistent crying (2666), hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes (3), encephalopathy (2) and febrile seizures (112). severe events included: anaphylaxis (2), respiratory distress (1), multiple organ failure (1), sudden death (1), vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (2), toxic shock syndrome (3), and sepsis (1). the 10 deaths and 3 cases of disability were investigated by an expert commi
Seguridad de las vacunas y su repercusión en la población
Galindo Santana,Belkys María; Arroyo Rojas,Lellanis; Concepción Díaz,Damarys;
Revista Cubana de Salud Pública , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S0864-34662011000100013
Abstract: vaccination is one of the most important achievements in the history of the public health and has contributed to the decrease of morbidity and mortality. unlike the drugs, the vaccines are generally used in healthy persons for them to continue being healthy; therefore, they should not cause more damage than the disease as such. it is necessary that the population and the family know the benefits and possible risks of vaccination, which will expand their knowledge on the importance of vaccines. it is the duty of the physician to make emphasis on this problem in order to assure greater reliability of the vaccination program and its safety in the vaccinated population. he/she must be prepared to pay attention to any concern that may arise in the health area or to any adverse event that might occur. the family doctor as the main performer of this activity should fulfil three basic functions: educational, preventive and surveillance functions. in the near future, the vaccines will continue having great social impact on the prevention of the infectious diseases.
Seguridad de las vacunas y su repercusión en la población Vaccine safety and its impact on the population
Belkys María Galindo Santana,Lellanis Arroyo Rojas,Damarys Concepción Díaz
Revista Cubana de Salud Pública , 2011,
Abstract: La vacunación ha constituido uno de los logros más importantes en la historia de la salud pública y ha contribuido a la disminución de la morbilidad y mortalidad. A diferencia de los medicamentos, las vacunas se aplican generalmente a personas sanas para que continúen sanas, por tanto no deben ocasionar más da os que lo que podría producir la misma enfermedad. Es necesario que la población y la familia conozcan los beneficios y posibles riesgos que pudieran presentarse en el acto de vacunación, lo que proporcionaría mayor conocimiento sobre la importancia de las vacunas. Es tarea del médico enfatizar en este problema para garantizar mayor confiabilidad del programa de vacunación y seguridad en la población vacunada; debe, además, estar preparado para atender cualquier preocupación que surja en su área de salud o evento adverso que se produzca. El médico de familia, principal ejecutor de esta actividad, debe cumplir tres funciones básicas fundamentales: la educativa, la preventiva y la de vigilancia. En el futuro inmediato, las vacunas continuaran teniendo un gran impacto social en la prevención de las enfermedades infecciosas. Vaccination is one of the most important achievements in the history of the public health and has contributed to the decrease of morbidity and mortality. Unlike the drugs, the vaccines are generally used in healthy persons for them to continue being healthy; therefore, they should not cause more damage than the disease as such. It is necessary that the population and the family know the benefits and possible risks of vaccination, which will expand their knowledge on the importance of vaccines. It is the duty of the physician to make emphasis on this problem in order to assure greater reliability of the vaccination program and its safety in the vaccinated population. He/she must be prepared to pay attention to any concern that may arise in the health area or to any adverse event that might occur. The family doctor as the main performer of this activity should fulfil three basic functions: educational, preventive and surveillance functions. In the near future, the vaccines will continue having great social impact on the prevention of the infectious diseases.
Vaccine-related adverse events in cuban children, 1999-2008
Belkys M. Galindo,Damarys Concepción,Miguel A. Galindo,Antonio Pérez
MEDICC Review , 2012,
Abstract: INTRODUCTION Cuba has implemented an effective National Immunization Program since 1962. The schedule, administered primarily to children, comprises 11 vaccines (8 domestically produced) protecting against 13 diseases. In 1999 Cuba launched a national vaccine adverse event surveillance system to monitor and assess the safety of the immunization program, its vaccination procedures and the products administered. OBJECTIVES Describe adverse events following vaccination reported in children aged <16 years in Cuba from 1999 through 2008. METHODS A retrospective descriptive study was conducted of adverse events following vaccination reported from January 1999 through December 2008. Variables used: year, number of adverse events, province, type of vaccine, type and severity of adverse events (common minor, rare, severe), vaccination program errors, number of deaths, and final results of investigations of severe events. Percentages and rates per dose administered were calculated. Adverse event rates were calculated per 100,000 doses administered and by percentages of individual effects among events reported. RESULTS A total of 45,237,532 vaccine doses were administered, and 26,159 vaccine-associated adverse events were reported (overall rate: 57.8 per 100,000 doses). The group aged 0-5 years reported the highest rate of vaccine-associated adverse events (82/100,000 doses). The DTwP vaccine exhibited the highest rate of adverse events. Common minor events were: fever (17,538), reactions at injection site (4470) and systemic side effects (2422). Rare events (by WHO definition) reported were: persistent crying (2666), hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes (3), encephalopathy (2) and febrile seizures (112). Severe events included: anaphylaxis (2), respiratory distress (1), multiple organ failure (1), sudden death (1), vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (2), toxic shock syndrome (3), and sepsis (1). The 10 deaths and 3 cases of disability were investigated by an expert commission, which concluded that 8 of the 13 severe events were vaccination-related. CONCLUSIONS Low rates of severe vaccine-associated adverse events observed in this study underline the low risk of vaccination relative to its demonstrated benefits in Cuba. Decision-making for the continued success of the National Immunization Program is supported by reliable information from comprehensive national surveillance with standarized reporting, along with multidisciplinary expert analysis of rare and severe adverse events and program errors.
Encuesta poblacional sobre conocimientos y percepciones acerca de dengue contra prácticas preventivas en el municipio Lisa
Castro Peraza,Marta; Gálvez Miranda,Cosette; Sanchez Váldes,Lizet; Pérez Chacón,Dennis; Polo Díaz,Vladimir; Concepción Díaz,Damarys; Sebrango Rodríguez,Carlos; Van der Stuyft,Patrick;
Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical , 2010,
Abstract: introduction: the population′s knowledge is important to develop participatory processes that support the reduction of aedes aegypti. objectives: to identify sociodemographic factors, knowledge, perceptions and practice in the population of three people′s councils in lisa municipality about aedes aegypti control and dengue prevention; to determine the association of these sociodemographic factors with the adequate level of knowledge about dengue, and relate the implementation of suitable practice to risk knowledge and perceptions. methods: cross-sectional study was conducted in which surveys and an observational guide were applied to a randomized sample of individuals living in the selected areas. percentages from the people′s councils were compared whereas two logistic regression models to set relations among the studied variables were adjusted for. results: the most cited breeding site for aedes aegypti was garbage (67,3%), the most referred preventive measure was container covering (90,2%); perception of risk of getting sick was low or non-existent (55%); regarding the visited houses, the most used practices were cleaning of backyards and water tank protection. in the multi-variate analysis, the young people showed better knowledge than people aged over 59 years whereas those people having better knowledge of breeding sites and preventive measures were the ones who followed adequate practice.
Vigilancia activa de eventos adversos a la vacuna Pandemrix para prevenir la influenza AH1N1 en Cuba
Galindo Santana,Belkys María; Peláez Sánchez,Otto Reinaldo; Galindo Sardi?a,Miguel Angel; Leon Villafuerte,Milagros; Concepción Díaz,Damarys; Estruch Ranca?o,Luis; Martínez Sánchez,Raydel; Santín Pe?a,Manuel;
Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical , 2011,
Abstract: introduction: in april 2009, a new virus was identified in mexico and north america as the cause of a respiratory disease. the virus quickly spread over other countries. on june 11, 2009 the world health organization (who) reported cases in 74 countries and territories located in 2 of its regions. the high sustained transmission of this virus worldwide led to establish the phase 6 or the pandemic phase, indicating that the situation had to do with spreading rather than increased severity. objectives: to report on already known or new events after the administration of vaccine a(h1n1) called pandemrix, to identify the most frequent events occurred in pregnant women and to research into the associated severe events. methods: a prospective descriptive study was designed to characterize the adverse effects of pandemrix reported across the country from april 1st to june 30th, 2010. a total of 1,123,526 people were vaccinated in which 100 % of pregnant women were included. results: active surveillance nationwide reported 5 763 signs and symptoms detected in 3 401 people (615 reports from pregnant women). the overall rate of reports was 302.7 x 100 000 doses administered. adverse events such as fever, headache, pain, swelling and redness at the injection site, malaise, arthralgia, allergic reactions, nausea and vomiting were reported as common symptoms. these 10 symptoms and signs accounted for 79.1 % of all the reported events. a total number of 80 317 pregnant women were vaccinated of whom 615 reported adverse effects, accounting for 0.8 % of the vaccinated pregnant women. fever was the most notified symptom in children (193) followed by local reactions at the injection site (23), vomiting (20), arthralgia (17), headache (11), malaise (10) and high fever-related seizures (6). eight events were analyzed as severe. conclusions: the administration of the vaccine was related to 3 events, unrelated to other 3 events and 2 were classified as inconclusive (3 miscarriages). no d
Outstanding Rhetorical Devices and Textuality in Obama’s Speech in Ghana, Africa  [PDF]
Concepción Hernández-Guerra
Open Journal of Modern Linguistics (OJML) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/ojml.2012.23013
Abstract: Latest trends in political discursive analysis have shown the importance of the study done from the textual and contextual perspective alike. An oral speech has the property of having been prepared in advance but expressed with some improvisation so characteristics from written and oral texts must be taken into consideration. As a consequence, the structure of the discourse and the personal contribution of the author are seemingly relevant. The oral speech analyzed here was expressed in Ghana, Africa by President Barack Obama in 2009. Given the circumstances of Obama’s African origin and of visiting the country as the President of the United States, the elements that reveal the personal attitude comprise an extra interest. The aim of this paper is to analyze the speech from a discursive viewpoint in order to describe the textual and intertextual functions.
The Marian Illustrations of the Legend of Montserrat
Alarcón, Concepción
Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares , 2008,
Abstract: The books telling the story of Montserrat used to contain illustrative engravings. Montserrat presents us with a special case, because this monastery holds an uninterrupted record of illustrated texts or of texts with engraved images from the miniatures of the Llibre Vermell and the first fruits of the printing press to the 19th century. Admittedly, in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries the books exhibit the engravings on the cover or within the first sheets; it is only in the 19th century that illustrations appear inserted in the text so as to make the story more agreeable. The images intensify the value of texts, since illustrations can help us understand the written word and may suggest other readings of the corresponding passages, clearer and more precise. Illustrations in the books on the history of a monastery are but a part of a larger set of ideas, projects and self-service which the Church aims at the reader. Furthermore, the iconographic models of the Virgin Mary and the Mountain are of great interest for the history of engraving and of the Catalan and Spanish devotions. Los libros en que se contaba la historia de Montserrat contenían estampas que los ilustraban. Montserrat es un caso inusual, porque posee un registro ininterrumpido de textos ilustrados o acompa ados con imágenes grabadas, desde el Llibre Vermell y los primeros momentos de la imprenta hasta el siglo XIX. Bien es cierto que en los libros de los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII sólo se colocan los grabados en la portada o en las primeras hojas; Hasta el siglo XIX no encontramos un tipo de ilustración insertada en el interior del texto amenizando la historia. Las imágenes intensifican el valor de los textos, porque nos ayudan a comprenderlos y a la vez sugieren nuevas lecturas, más precisas y claras. Las ilustraciones de los libros de historia de un santuario forman parte de todo un enjambre de ideas, proyectos y propaganda que la Iglesia quiere transmitir al lector. Por otro lado los modelos iconográficos de María y la monta a son de gran interés para la historia del grabado y de la devoción catalana y espa ola.
Síndrome metabólico en pacientes ingresados en una unidad de terapia intensiva
Campillo Acosta,Damarys; Verdasquera Corcho,Denis; Coronado Mestre,Ramón;
Revista Habanera de Ciencias M??dicas , 2010,
Abstract: with the objective to determinate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (sm) in patients admitted in critical care units and to identify the associated risk factors, a cross-sectional study was carried out in 149 patients admitted in intensive care units of "dr. carlos juan finlay" hospital, havana city, cuba, between january 1st and february 28th 2005. the prevalence rates were calculated by age, sex and risk factors. the association between the metabolic syndrome and some risk factors was tested by means of the prevalence ratio and t-test. the general prevalence was 34.2%, bigger in women (35.7%) vs 32.9% in men. prevailed masculine patients (53.0%), sedentary (63.1%), smokers (57.7%) with a previous history of arterial hypertension (65.8%). the principal risk factors identified were hta (73.8%), high basal glycemia (51.0%) and abdominal obesity (46.9%). the highest prevalence ratio was observed among patients with low hdl cholesterol: 9.58 (ic=95%, 5.46 - 16.81), abdominal obesity: 8.46 (ic=95%, 3.85 - 18.63) and high triglycerides: 5.25 (ic=95%, 2.93 - 9.39). according to t-test, was association between all risk factors and sm (p <0.05). the results indicate a high prevalence of metabolic, the hdl low cholesterol and abdominal obesity were risk factors mostly frequently associated to metabolic syndrome.
Mortalidad asociada al síndrome metabólico Mortality associated with the metabolic syndrome
Damarys Campillo Acosta,Denis Berdasquera Corcho,Ramón Coronado Mestre
Revista Cubana de Medicina General Integral , 2007,

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